Balance is Best

A healthy diet, plenty of fresh air and exercise are all vital components to enabling our bodies to function at their best but what about alternative therapies and massage treatments?
Too often these are overlooked or dismissed as 'pampering' but alternative therapies also play a role in keeping our bodies in balance and maintaining a state of wellbeing and optimal perfomance.
Today's society is filled with stress triggers from work-life balance struggles, traffic trouble (road rage, tube trauma), childcare, to work deadlines, performance pressure, marital conflicts, and a myriad of frustrations and struggles all of which can induce responses in our bodies which can accumulate over time (if left unchecked) and disturb our balance, manifesting as pain, depression, anxiety or even illness.
Holistic Images
As a therapist I firmly believe in the holistic approach to well being: ('everything affects everything' and 'balance is best') - therefore I don't just treat symptoms (e.g. pain), I look at causes (imbalances) and work with you to help you get better and stay better.
More than being interested in making you look or feel better today - I am genuinely concerned in your long term wellbeing and am invested in working with you to help you discover what treatment(s) works best for you.

Aromatherapy. Reflexology. Functional Massage. Wellbeing & Natural Stress Management Services.
"Feel Better. Be WELL"

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