Hand Therapy - Mini Spa Treat

As Sisterlocks Consultants, Locticians and Hair Stylists we engage in very intense manual activity every day - and far too often we neglect to look after the tools of our trade i.e. our hands.  This simple treat can be applied to keyboardists and typists too - in fact if you do any kind of intense manual labour - this could be a right treat.

In addition to hand exercises (wrist flexors and extensors) and salt or sugar scrubs -  you can treat your hands by giving them a warm salt bath.

You will need:

  1. A hand bath or large bowl
  2. Warm water (hand hot)
  3. 1 tbsp of Himalayan or Epsom Salts
  4. A muslin cloth, flannel or washcloth. (optional)
  5. If you are suffering from sore muscles add a few drops of Lavandin oil and/or Sweet Marjoram Oils and/or Peppermint oil to help relax the muscles and provide gentle pain relief. If you can only afford one oil - use Lavender for its healing properties, it is also mildly analgesic which is great if you're feeling a bit stiff.

Pour the water into the bath and add the tablespoon of salt. Swish gently until it starts to dissolve (Himalayan salt may take longer as the crystals are larger but it depends on what type you have). 

If you are going to add the essential oils - it will be safer to mix them in a teaspoon of milk or oil (olive, sweet almond or grapeseed) before adding them to the bath water.
Place the cloth in the base of the bowl and let it get completely soaked.
You can place your hands in the bowl on top of the flannel or you can try my favourite method for easing sore hands/achy joints - which is to fully wrap each hand in turn with the cloth (like a bandage) and allow the heat, salt and essential oils to seep into your skin.

Ideally, you should soak your hands for a minimum of 5 minutes each. You can do them at the same time if your hand bath is big enough.  Use the time to practice your breathing exercises and exhale all the stress of the day away.

When you're done, pat your hands dry with a soft towel and massage with a hand treatment oil/cream (I'd recommend a lavender base, any of our body oils or even a blend made with the same oils you used to soak your hands earlier).

Now - rest and relax until tomorrow.

Ps don't forget to clean up.

Aromatherapy. Reflexology. Functional Massage. Wellbeing & Natural Stress Management Services.
"Feel Better. Be WELL"

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